if you want...

Know your company

Predict and manage pitfalls

Coordinate operational activities

Analyze the rules that impact your business

OPENTECH - Software Engineering

Discover the Potentials of

NEW GO GRC 2.0 Suite

GO GRC 2.0 Suite

Qualified by the National Cybersecurity Agency in the Cloud Marketplace

if you have to ...

Gather information

Communicate the results

Check internal strategies and processes

OPENTECH - Software Engineering

Discover the Potentials of

NEW GO GRC 2.0 Suite

if you are part of ...

Control functions

Organization and IT

are built on?

OPENTECH - Software Engineering

Discover the Potentials of

NEW GO GRC 2.0 Suite

GO 2.0 Know aude!

The GO GRC 2.0 Suite is made up of different Solutions, which can be integrated but independent. These Solutions can support specific methodologies for governance and control processes and can be parameterized according to the specific needs of each customer.

The Solutions of the GO GRC 2.0 Suite, which fully cover the needs of Corporate Governance and Control Functions, are:

GO 2.0 - Improvement

0 %
Graphic and architectural restyling 1
0 %
Compatibility with OWASP rules 2
+ 0 %
Response time performance 3
+ 0 %
Interoperability with external applications 4
+ 0 %
Some functions have been revised in favor of usability 5
+ 0 %
Greater security thanks to the use of encrypted tokens and cookies 6
+ 0 %
Greater ease of identification and correction of anomalies 7

New FAQ module

To support operations on the main operating processes

Performance test results

Login 2.10 vs 6.21
Standards 0.90 versus 3.43
Processes 1.10 vs 4.85 
Risk event 1.51 versus 3.57
Verification execution 1.46 versus 5.55
Treatment 1.33 against 3.95

OPENTECH - Software Engineering

Discover the Potentials of

NEW GO GRC 2.0 Suite

    If you are already a GO user or a FAD application, you can request support by writing to the address helpdesk@opentech.it

    Terms and conditions*
    Business contact

    [1] Entire redesign of the entire GO 2 Suite both in terms of architecture and interface with the use of the latest Microsoft .NET6 and Blazor technologies

    [2] All the necessary security procedures have been adopted to comply with Owasp guidelines (user input validation, xss prevention, cross site scripting, sql injection, ...)

    [3] The tests were conducted by comparing GO 2 version V.22.07.14 to the version of GO V.22.06.27 installed on the same server and pointing to the same database, timing access to the application and access to the pages: Standards , Processes, Risk Event, Verification Execution, Treatments

    [4] GO 2 has been designed to be modular and interoperable between independent external modules while guaranteeing the user a uniform user experience. This architecture allows the exposure of the new Rest API to support the import and export of data to the outside world and the introduction of new modular components also written with independent languages

    [5] Hierarchy management with drag and drop, simplification of user experience in To Do list, maintenance of filters when going back, simplified management of basic configurations, integrated reports in the pages, search in the menu, introduction of dark mode, better graphic identification in multi-company environments , ...

    [6] The user session is managed through token and / or encrypted cookies, there is a segregation of the different layers of the software with a reduction of their coupling and simultaneous increase of their cohesion, GO 2.0 also supports access via the Office OAUTH2 protocol 365

    [7] Thanks to the new modular architecture and the new logging system. The software layer structure allows easier identification of the component that generates the anomaly, facilitating its resolution and reducing the consequent test activities. The new log system, which tracks all user activities, including visualization, allows for faster identification of the anomaly

    Some features may not be available in all installations

    Skills in Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • A Via Paolo Di Dono 73, 00142 Rome
    • E info@opentech.it
    • M +39 065917534

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    Know your company

    List the main processes, know who does what, how and what tools they use

    Predict and manage pitfalls

    Knowing the main risks, knowing where they can materialize, who is managing them and how

    Coordinate operational activities

    Certify activities carried out, compare them with the results achieved and evaluate global maturity

    Analyze the rules that impact your business

    Catalog the regulations, verify their updating, understand their effect on business and processes

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    In a simple and immediate way, check the status, update and feedback received

    Communicate the results

    Representing the data in a simple and effective way, helping your interlocutors to understand the efforts made

    Check internal strategies and processes

    Plan and Execute Risk Self Assessment, Compliance Checks, Internal Audits and monitor Follow Up and KRI

    Control functions

    To optimize, manage and monitor control activities

    Organization and IT

    To consult Procedures, Assets, Status of IT Risks and Company Business Continuity

    are built on?

    To verify the application of the strategy and the status of the KPIs for the individual objectives