Category: News

GRC compliance: why it is so important

Let's talk about Governance Risk Compliance and the usefulness of integrating the most efficient tool In today's corporate arena, characterized by

GDPR data management: transparency in the corporate universe

Let's talk about privacy law and GDPR, the importance of protecting sensitive data In the current digital landscape, where the collection and

E learning Management System for corporate training

The role of a complete and integrated LMS platform for the delivery of online courses In the digital age we live in, the evolution of

Internal audit program: for effective management

Let's talk about the company audit process and how software can make work easier Internal audit has become a fundamental element for companies

ISO 9001 software: quality management guide

What the ISO 9001 standard says and how important it is to integrate ISO 9001 quality management software In the current competitive business landscape, quality management

Governance risk and compliance: three important pillars

Let's talk about GRC Italia and the importance of integrating software to be GRC compliant In the increasingly complex landscape of global affairs, companies

Personal data protection: privacy in the digital world

Let's talk about GDPR, general data protection regulation and how software can facilitate business work In the digital age we live in, data protection

Internal audit program: what it is and why it is useful

The importance of integrating a good audit program into your business management A careful management and evaluation of business activities is

GDPR who has to do it and why it matters

Let's talk about the European privacy regulation and GDPR obligations The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an important regulatory framework that aims to

Software auditing: what it is

Integrate a technological solution into your company to simplify the corporate auditing process Corporate auditing is the process of examining and

Skills in Governance, Risk & Compliance
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