Privacy data processing: take advantage of new technologies

We are talking about security for sensitive data and the obligation for companies to ask for authorization to process personal data

Data privacy is a very important issue in an increasingly digital world. Companies collect huge amounts of data which are used to improve products and services, but also to make strategic decisions. But how to ensure the privacy of customer data? How to take advantage of new technologies to improve privacy data processing?

In recent years, the protection of sensitive data has become an increasingly important issue for companies. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union has introduced strict rules for the management of personal data of citizens of the European Union. Businesses must comply with data privacy regulations and ensure the security of their customers' personal information. GDPR software for privacy data processing is a solution that can help companies comply with the regulation.

The issue of privacy data processing

In Europe, the GDPR requires companies to protect customers' personal data and guarantee their privacy, creating a new standard for privacy data processing, which must be protected, secure and transparent. Companies have a responsibility to protect their customers' data, to manage them correctly and to guarantee their security at all times. This means that companies must necessarily take adequate measures to collect, protect and manage sensitive information in a secure and transparent way.

New technologies can help companies improve their privacy practices by analyzing them and identifying any security issues or privacy violations. The concept of Privacy by Design (PbD) requires data privacy to be built into the development of products and services from the outset. This means that companies need to think about data privacy early in the development process to ensure that products and services are secure and respect customer privacy.

In addition to the use of high-level software, staff training is also another important aspect to guarantee privacy data processing: employees must be trained on privacy principles, current legislation and best practices for managing customer personal data .

GDPR software

The GDPR software is a technological solution that allows companies to manage the personal data of their customers in a secure and regulatory compliant way. These are highly functional tools that include a number of automated functions that include:

  • consent management
  • the management of access rights to personal data
  • requests for access to personal data
  • the deletion of personal data
  • the generation of reports on compliance with the GDPR

In addition, GDPR software also allows you to integrate with other business systems, such as CRM, to facilitate the management of customers' personal data. The use of this type of technology for privacy data processing allows companies to manage the personal data of its customers more efficiently, significantly reducing the time and resources required for manual data management.

Opentech and the Go Data Protection module

Deciding to take advantage of digitization in your favor also for the treatment of privacy data is certainly a winning idea, but you need to select the best software suited to your needs, perhaps focusing on a product designed by a technological partner ready to offer support and assistance when it is necessary.

Opentech is an Italian company specialized in GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance) that has been working alongside companies for more than twenty years by providing the most innovative technologies to streamline company management, such as the GO GRC 2.0 suite.

As far as privacy data processing is concerned, Opentech offers the form GO Data Protection, a solution that allows you to respond to the concept of Privacy by design which is the foundation of the new Privacy. Starting from an initial assessment, it is possible to identify the Processes by evaluating any vulnerabilities and the adjustment interventions impacted by the legislation.